Log Boat

Log Boat

Log Boat is an uncommon type of boat that is made with a unique part of hollowed wood, Called “Monoxylon” is the oldest type of boat than have been found by the archeologist, these boats are similar in many countries, but the denomination is very different for example in Germany is called “einbaum” and in South America are called Canoas.
Its construction considers several basic steps:

  • The design of this boat start with the exactly measures that we want.
  • With this measure we will be able to choose the perfect piece of wood.
  • The next step is cutting the trunk in the way that we want
  • Take out the bark.
  • The use of adequate equipment is going to be helpful to make the hollowed-out of the piece of trunk.
  • When you have finished the hollowed-out, the next step is the smoothed.
  • The time of production depends of the size of the Log Boat.

The uses that people gave to this boat were very diverse, for example:
In South Africa: In Africa was there was many types of fishing boats, Log-Boat were very common in Limpopo River, and many rivers. Log Boat in South Africa used to be used for transport, fishing and hunting.

In Europe: If we talk about Log Boat in Europe we will find a big history around these boats. For example Byzantine Empire has used this boat to attack Constantinople, and many people gave different uses such as transport, fishing and hunting.
In North America: In North America these boats were famous, with different uses. These boats were used for ceremonial purposes.